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Made using Material Editor. Panning a cloud mask through the UV's where every hexagon in the geometry is condensed to a random UV coordinate. There's also a blueprint that randomly changes colour every few seconds!

Using Material Functions I made a 'moss shader' that would grow over meshes. All the moss parameters such as opacity, grow amount, etc were located in an easy to use Material Instance.

Created with the Particle Editor, this snow uses many particle functions such as choosing a random spawn location, rotating over life with various velocity, and even fades out if it gets too close to the camera.

Ribbon particle effect follows the car as it moves, the length of the ribbon is adjustable.

Made with multiple tools including the Foliage brush and the Landscape tool. The Landscape Material used a 'Landscape Grass Material' within it to automatically place geometry (grass, flowers, rocks, etc) depending on what material was being painted. The grass also was dynamic so that it would move aside if the player was to walk through it.

Metal Mash is a vehicular shoot-em-up made during college with a team of students. I was responsible for building the assets and placing them in the level, creating the materials and particle effects, as well as making the UI for in-game and the menu screens. I also contributed to smaller tasks involving blueprints including creating destructible meshes, creating a kill-zone, and adding various audio cues.

Cartoon explosion particle effect made in UE4 utilising blueprints to combine multiple particles and sound (goes boom).

Using the Blueprint Editor I am able to create various AI behaviors. Currently I can make a patrol movement between multiple checkpoints, a follow movement where the character follows or looks at the character or another actor, and a random wander movement within a defined vicinity. I mostly use the 'AI Move To' or 'Simple Move To' blueprint functions for these movements, as well as using the UE4 Navmesh Bounds tool. I've also been able to achieve additional effects for these AI including assigning random walk speeds, making them take rests at random times or even triggering a ragdoll state when force is applied.

By creating custom constraints and blockers in the Physics Editor, I was able to create a smoother ragdoll asset than the auto generated one. I have also made Animation Blueprints with animation blending. (Yes that's a butt with arms and legs) :)

I'm also able to create blueprints for common things such as moving platforms, opening doors/ switches (triggers), rotating things like windmills or clocks, creating destructible meshes and physics objects, destroying or spawning actors and swapping materials on meshes in-game.

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